11 Universities from 7 countries along with associated partners (German-Croatian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, German accreditation agency ACQUIN) and individual experts from Germany, Hungary and the European Parliament cooperated on the project.

The goal of the project was to achieve greater compatibility of teacher education in Europe so as to enable mobility and diploma recognition and to firmly posit intercultural education as an interdisciplinary task.  For this purpose the components of the contents and the structure of „Teacher education in a European perspective“  were developed and tested.  They were designed with an aim to be implemented in the national curricula or offered in the form of short-term courses (e.g. summer schools).  At the same time the specific development perspectives of each participating country were taken into consideration. The activities were concentrated around five issues relevant for the development of a European dimension in teacher education in accordance and under the consideration of participants’ professional expertise. The following issues were covered: „(1) Educational science in teacher education in a multicultural Europe; (2) Foreign language teacher education and linguistic diversity in Europe; (3) New media and possibilities for transnational cooperation; (4) Intercultural learning as a horizontal task; (5) Economic key qualifications in teacher education.”

Project manager and grant holder was Prof. Dr. Jürgen Helmchen from the University of Münster/ Institute of Educational studies; project coordinator was Prof. Dr. Siegfried Gehrmann from the University of Zagreb/Faculty of Teacher Education.

Research results obtained in the framework of the project have been published in the monograph Europäische Lehrerbildung. Annäherung an ein neues Leitbild.